upstairs hallway in the bathroom space for washer/dryer upstairs bathroom a bedroom upstairs view of upstairs hallway-first door on left, bathroom. open door, bedroom one-closed door, bdrm two on the left is the porch
our staircase-painting underneath not completely finished one part of kitchen-fridge goes in hole our entrance and funky rounds steps-notice the pretty spotlights in back our front door pic from downstairs bathroom-hasn't been cleaned yet
On the playground at the zoo...I got to go on a BIG slide!
I also got to walk behind this big guy until he needed to get his "diaper changed", then mommy made me leave.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Guess where I am going tomorrow night?? On a BIIIIG airplane to AMERICA!!!! Blogging may be a little slow, cuz I might be jet lagged and all that... But keep checking up on me!