Monday, December 31, 2007

happy birthday tzvi meir!!

i'm gonna miss my bubby...
we celebrated my birthday a few days early, and i had the best party!
It was a thomas party!! thomas, thomas, thomas!
daddy helped me blow out my candles...
opening my presents.thomas stuff from auntie katherine and a thomas driving book from grandma and grandpa and a COOL school bus from my uncles in cleveland.

more london pictures

my big bro hanging out with great grandpa ben
aunt playing with auntie adrienne
he doesnt like kisses
hanging out with my bubby
meeting uncle asher
going out with my grandpa for the day
and on the way we met everyone else on the tube!

I got a haircut! Since I was a good boy I got two balloons!!

hanging out with auntie katherine and uncle leeeo

my fat sister

Friday, December 28, 2007

peek a boo!
i got to meet my bubby for the very first time. i think she likes me.
i let her play with tm too sometimes.
in the airport. i couldnt believe that i was on one of those big planes!! i was a very good boy for mommy and daddy.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

auntie katherine and nicola came to play with me!
look what ayala got to do...
she got to be pushed around by ME in my doll stroller!
happy birthday daddy!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

mazal tov to auntie katherine on your engagement!!!!

today was my hebrew birthday!! i got to wear a keter on my head and send pekelach to gan for all the kids!

i did this myself!
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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

it was a GORGEOUS day outside so we went to the park with menachem and mimi and then went out for lunch
after my bath i climbed into the bed with dalla and said "cheese!". mommy got the hint and got the camera

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

happy last night of chanuka!!!