Wednesday, April 29, 2009


mommy uploaded the wrong photos by mistake, she just looked at the numbers, not the actual picture
and its from exactly a year ago, today!
look how much we have changed!
menachem still with his curls and, we are so much more mature now!!
this is one of the ones that mommy was trying to upload. for more of these just go to menachems blog. mommy gives up.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

beni came back from russia and brought himself some lunch. i was digging his chummus.yummy!
my SCAR. 2 stitches for a very brave little girl.

tzvi meir was teaching me the real way to use a saw. ayala is into my tools.
tm was hugging and kissing me
sometimes were best friends!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009

the last of the pictures

driving thru the beautiful scenery

mimi had absolutely no problem picking up this little guinea pig and holding it like a doll
menachem held the bunny but us bennetts were too chicken
we went to see the animals at agam chai
me and mimi were hanging out together
tzviki went on a big big tractor
and then went on a john deere one just like the one in his book!

Mimi is trying to sneak some bamba from our mommys bag
we found our diapers wrapped up outside the door so we quickly claimed them back and shlepped them through the house.
watching our cd at breakfast
cute baby yaakov!!

in teveria at savtas house

check out the view from the porch!!

last night we had a yummy bbq and mimi was generously sharing all her chicken which ayala ate up very happily
we met a little french girl who was playing with ayala
and i was in charge of driving the boat. daddy had his turn,mommy and ayala had theirs and then it was my turn

ice cream CONE!

on the kinneret

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

fun at the fountain

we were walking so nicely holding hands
ayala didn't want to be left out of the picture, so make sure you notice her in the back.
it was HOT today so we went to play in the fountain
we had a great time pretending we were in mitzrayim
ayala wouldnt sit still long enough for any nice pictures but check out those legs!
menachem and i were having the best time playing together

bbq at gan saccer with kraks and wardingers

mimi sharing tatty's matza with me
getting caught red handed!
me and kobi were sharing a moment
gavi's abba was playing guitar and we werent sitting still for mommy to take a picture

the bennett monkey

asking for more marshmallows!