Tuesday, January 16, 2007

News update!

No pictures today, but a little update.
First of all I finally got a top tooth!! It even came in straight! Second of all, I got a very special lunch yesterday - PB&J. Daddy was horrified with this combination, him being British and all, but my American side shone through as I devoured my sandwich. Daddy decided that it was a pretty good thing after all that I like it, cuz it's a pretty easy lunch for him to prepare me.

I have a few new words now too! I can say "this" and the hebrew equivalent "zeh". I point at something and will either say "zeh" or "this".
I've been practicing my "more" and "bottle".

The other day mommy took me to tipat chalav cuz I'm a year old, and they gave me two shots. One in my leg, and one in my arm. When I saw the nurse coming at me with the cotton to clean my arm, I started crying. I knew what she was gonna do. I was very scared the whole time and yelled.
I was fine a minute later though.
I also had a blood test the other day. They think I might be anemic. We'll see. I need to have another blood test in a couple of weeks, and then they will tell my mommy if I need to take iron.

I got to go to visit mommy's friend Shani. Guess how we got there?? A city bus!! Mommy was always to nervous to shlep me on one of those congested things, but we took my umbrella stroller and it all worked out okay. I sat on mommys lap and watched everyone. Especially the little baby girl in the next seat.
At Shani's house I got to make a BIG mess, and Shani was pretty chilled. Thanks Shan! On the way back I was a bit more antsy and wanted to get down, but mommy was prepared with my toys.

Speaking of toys, I wanna give a shout out to my Uncle Hirsh! Thank you so much for the awesome truck! It's so much fun!! It makes cool noises and lights up just the way I like. Thanks for the birthday present-and cute card you made!!

That's all the news for now!


Anonymous said...

Hey Tzvi Meir,
Turns out we like the same things! I love PB&J, and trucks. I have never been on a bus though, was it

Munchkin B said...

fun fun fun!! we luv the buses..NAHAGGGG. ask ur mom shell rememba that..hehe.. im glad shanis hosue was fun- did she cook food this time? did u help her at least.alrite gotta take care of this child here- she drank a choc mil bottle and ya its all over her shirt and face. tty